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Kompetensi Kepala Sekolah dalam Implementasi Manajemen Pendidikan Nirmala .
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional nomor 13 tahun 2007 tentang standar kompetensi Kepala Sekolah telah memberikan penekanan pada pentingnya profesionalisasi pengelola satuan pendidikan, khususnya kepala sekolah. Secara empiric, berbagai studi yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan perlunya pemilikan kompetensi profesional bagi tenaga pengelola satuan pendidikan. Hasil penelitian jugs mengungkapkan bahwa kemampuan di bidang manajemen, kepemimpinan, dan supervisi/pengawasan pendidikan terbukti sangat diperlukan oleh pars aparat pimpinan, manajer, administrator, dan staf administratif di lembaga penyelenggara pendidikan, satuan-satuan pendidikan ataupun lembaga lain yang menyelenggarakan fungsi pengembangan cumber days manusia. Kontribusi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah terhadap kualitas pendidikan di sekolah secara empiric cukup signifikan, yaitu s6aj'ar dcngan kontribusi guru, waktu belajar siswa, dan sarana prasarana fisik sekolah  
Perubahan Stratifikasi Sosial Masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Bone (Dalam Perspektif Pendidikan) Widya Karmilasari
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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Social stratification is a class or order system in a comnvunity. Buginese people have been long familiar with the so called "stratification" as it is found the manuscript of La Galigo. Kabupaten Bone itself which was one the largest kingdom in South Sulawesi acknowledges the existence of social stratification among the people in which they were classified into high class, middle class, and lower class. However it is assumed that the increase of the education level of the people becomes one important indicator of the change of the social stratification in the society. This study is descriptive-qualitative in nature. The population is taken from three "kecainatan " or sub-districts contiguous g-uous to Watampone is the main town in this "kabupaten. The three "kecatnatan" was also known in the kingdom era as Lalebata area. The data -was obtained through in-dept interview, observation, and information from several informants. Keyword: Social stratification, Buginese people
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran IPA Terintegrasi Nilai Karakter di Sekolah Dasar Ismail .
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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The character of the nation is currently experiencing a servere fragility. Various people rate as result of the imbalance of purpose in educational practice in schools. The purpose of learning is not oriented of cultivation of characters, but more cognitively oriented. This study aimed to develop science learning model integrated with character value (Model PIN-Karakter) in elementary school are valid, practical, effective and attractive to conceice a character value and improve science learning outcomes.
Dampak Metode Mengajar Guru Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SMP Negeri 1 Barru Erni Ratna Dewi
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan : 1) Metode mengajar yang tepat dapat mendorong semangat atau memotivasi siswa dalam belajar, 2) Metode mengajar yang tepat dapat mengaktitkan serta dapat mengembangkan kreativitas siswa dalam belajar 3) Metode yang digunakan oleh guru di SMP negeri 1 Barru sudah tepat atau sesuai dengan materi pelajaran yang disampaikan, terbukti melalui nilai rata-rata yang ditunjukkan yaitu di atas angka 8 dengan daya serap di atas 80%. 4) Metode mengajar guru sangat berpengaruh terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Kata Kunci: Metode mengajar guru, prestasi belajar siwa
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Problem Posing dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Ramlan M
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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The objektive of this research is to produce the prototipe of mathematics learning instrument with the characteristics of cooperative laerning of STAD type on the square equation subject that fulfill the criteria of valid, practical, and effective. This research is classified as the developmental research. The model of the instrument development employed in this research referred to the 4-D model wich consisted of defining stage, design stage, development stage, and dissemination stage.
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Pendekatan Problem Posing pada Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri I Pamboang Majene Abdul Wahab
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negefi, 1 Pamboang, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Pamboang tahun pelajaran 2009/2010 sebanyak 33 orang. Pelaksanaan tindakan ini terdiri dari dua siklus, dimana siklus I dan II masing-masing berlangsung sebanyak 4 kali pertemuan. Setiap siklus dilaksanakan tindakan yang terdiri atas tahap perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Pengambilan data digunakan dengan menggunakan tes hasil belajar dan observasi. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan analisis kualitatif. Meningkatnya hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Pamboang melalui pendekatan Problem posing, ini dapat dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa. Pada siklus I Jumlah siswa yang tuntas belajar 29 orang (87,88 %) dengan skor rata-rata 68,76 dan pada siklus II jumlah siswa yang tuntas belajar 33 orang (100 %) dengan skor rata-rata 84. Pada siklus II terjadi ketuntasan belajar secara klasikal vakni 85 % dari jumlah siswa yang mencapai skor minimal 60 % dari skor ideal. Sedangkan secara kualitatif selama proses belajar mengajar berlangsung terjadi perubahan sikap yang dilihat dari motivasi belajar siswa terhadap matematika. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tedadi peningkatan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas X SMA Negeri I Pamboang setelah digunakan pendekatan problem posing. Kata kunci: Hasil belajar Matematika, Pendekatan Problem Posing.  
Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) pada Materi Persamaan Kuadrat di Kelas X SMA Hasia Marto
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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The character of the nation is currently experiencing a severe fragility. Various people rate as a result of the imbalance of purpose in educational practice in schools. The purpose of learning is not oriented of cultivation of characters, but more cognitively oriented. This study aimed to develop science learning model integrated with character value (Model PIN-Karakter) in elementary school are valid, practical, effective and attractive to conceive a character value and improve science learning outcomes. The metodology used in this research is Research and Development (R & D). The research subject is elementary school's student's and teachers in grade 4, in Makassar South Sulawesi. This research is the development of plot development using Plomp, by taking five phases, namely: (1) investigation, (2) design, (3) realization, (4) validation testing. and revision, and (5) implementation. The metodology used in this research is Research and Development (R & D). The research subject is elementary school's student's and teachers in grade 4, in Makassar South Sulawesi. Data collection is using validation sheet, observation, test learning outcomes, and questionnaires, supported by logbook. The data is analysed by descriptive quantitative and qualitative- The results indicate that the development of. (1) Model PIN-Karakter comply criteria validity, practicality, effectiveness and attractiveness, and (2) the process of cultivation character value take place in stages and hierarchical follow of syntax Model PIN-Karakter, with two patterns of integration, the integration content-based and integration activity-based. Syntax of Model PIN-Kayakter consists of six phases, namely: (i) conditioning concepts and values, (ii) the organization of the group, (iii) the value of exploration and growth, (iv) explanation and deepening of value, (v) application and commitment to value; and (vi) evaluation and habituation value. Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran IPA, integrasi nilai karakter, sekolah dasar
Kontribusi dan Fungsi Seni Budaya dalam Pendidikan sebagai Wadah Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Muhammad Rapi
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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In connection with the development and progress of the age, in addition to science and technology, the arts is one of the cultural elements are also progressing and not merely touching the dimension of art, but also the entire realm of culture. It can be felt that the art inherent characteristic of a culture, as art belong together and have a common set of values, ideas, and rationale for the behavior. In addition, art is made with reference to the actions of individuals as well as individuals to understand and comprehend the group. Art has a meaning to life, both personally and as a group. Furthermore, another characteristic is that art and transformation learned from one generation to the next. Together with the aspects cif science and technology aspects, art is one aspect that can nor be ignored in the contribution and its function in the formation of character and artistic aspects character. Throught, individuals, and groups, as well as a community, can provide characteristics in existence as a particular community. Indonesiaan, for example, can be recognized by other States as art, art is universal in addition, also has ethnic character, the character of the trust, individual character, and other characters attached to it. Asafield of study, the arts and arts education, have a basic concept that needs to be lived. Concept art is, art as beauty, art as entertainment, art as a medium of communication,( art as art as imitation and expression- While the concept of art education (in art education), is, through the art students were given the experience of beauty, learners are given the experience in art and enjoyment factor is a major consideration that must be considered, learners are given the experience of* art can provide an opportunity to communicate ideas or ideas, students are trained to be able to mimic the natural shape accurately observed. And through the process of art education students are trained to express ideas in the form of art. The approach used is known to express yourself approach to free expression.
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbaasis Komputer tentang Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Pelatihan Guru Sejarah SMA di LPMP Provinsi Maluku Ambon La Ode Safihu
Paedagogik Volume 1, Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Paedagogik

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This research was aimed at developing computer-based teaching media about the contextual teaching for the training of senior high school teachers of History, so that they could understand and professionally implement contextual teaching toward their students. The sample of this research consisted of 43 senior high school teachers, consisting of three teachers to be individually tried out, 10 teachers to be tried out in small groups, and 30 teachers to be tried out in the field. The data in this research were obtained from two sources. The teaching materials and instructional aspects were obtained from subject-matter experts. The media lay out and programming was obtained from experts in media making. For the field try out, the obtained data were teaching materials, instructional aspect, lay out aspect, and programming aspect. The instruments for collecting the data were questionnaires filled in by the subject-matter experts, the experts in media making, and questionnaires to be tested in the field were filled in by teachers. The data were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The result of the try out shows that the quality of the contextual teaching media which were developed for the training of senior high school teachers of History was rated very good. It can be seen from the teaching material aspect with an average score of 4.53, instructional aspect with an average score of 4.54, the lay out aspect with an average score of 4.57, and the programming aspect with an average score of 4.59. Based on the result of the try out, it can be concluded that the developed teaching media can be used in the training of senior high school teachers of History, because it has fulfilled the required criteria that is the result of the field try out should be at least good. Therefore, the developed media can be considered valid and can be used for the training of the senior high school teachers of History in LPMP Maluku, Ambon.  

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